We fly over the coast of Alicante accompanied by sacred music suitable for the exultant light of midday. The bird’s-eye view provides us with a large field of vision of orthogonal forms and perfect symmetries when leaving the sea and the wild landscape behind. From this aerial perspective, the rotundity of the lonely architecture refers us to an archaeological site of uncertain dating, with its bleachers, pillars, amphitheaters and pits. But it’s just a false […]
Month: February 2019
Eugenio Merino thinks, therefore he disturbs
“If you raid the patriots’ wallets in their pockets it turns out they are Swiss,” says a vignette from El Roto, whose brief sentences and visual satire probably influenced Eugenio Merino‘s work more than any artist trained in the academy. Although the aesthetics of Merino, especially in his hyperrealist sculptures and kitsch metaphors, is peppered with by a more corrosive black humor, where heads can roll, where dictators are frozen and presidents undergo face washing […]
Semiotics of passions in CaixaForum Barcelona
Darwin considered that letting out one’s emotions was something inappropriate for “civilized” men. Instead, crying was proper for weak personalities, that is, women with a hysterical tendency, senile old men and children, as well as “primitive” people. But, in spite of his andro and Eurocentric blindness, Darwin study of the phylogenetic transmission of behaviors and expressions influenced a thinker who would revolutionize the way of reading images and approaching the history of art, Aby Warburg. […]