Je pense que le couple nègre/blanche est pire qu’une bombe, writes Dany Laferrière (Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, 1985). Sexuality is, more than anything, a matter of ghosts, and the ghost that join a black man and a white woman is one of the most explosive that there is. Sexual imaginaries in relation to ethnic otherness continue to bear the burden of colonial legacy. The topics are renewed, adapting to the changing demands […]
Tag: tracey moffatt
Suspension of rights as a rule of law
Emergency art for a normalized state of exception Ukrainian blondes arrive from the East to fulfill men dreams that only money can buy. Other blondes come from Ukraine, amazons who have been risking their lives for years to denounce proxenitism, sexual exploitation, abuse against minorities… It is said of the legendary Amazons that they cut their breasts to handle the bow with greater skill. For Femen girls, instead, their breasts are weapons. On their naked […]
When love moves us to act
Since Hannah Arendt regarded love as the essence of the revolutionary spirit, since the counterculture of the sixties claimed it as a subversive force, this original impulse of the human condition has had to abandon the old-fashioned romanticism that reduces it to a flat, narcotizing emotion. The title of the exhibition Don’t You Think It’s Time For Love? in the Moscow Museum of Modern Art is taken from the homonymous action that the artist Sharon […]